January 14, 2023
Improv and Meisner Exercises

On our second meeting of the year we began by reviewing our previous meetings breathing & relaxation exercises and discussed our “found object” imagination exercise.
New material included discussing our future grant projects Anyone Can Act & Heroes of 6th Street 2 film project.
This week's exercises included improvisational games like Questions and Alphabet. Questions require the actors to deliver each bit of dialogue in an interrogative sentence, while Alphabet requires the actors to deliver their lines with the first word of the line being the next consecutive letter of the alphabet. Lastly, we played One Word Story where each participant in the room provided one word to create a collaborative story.
We concluded our weekly “actor’s gym” with some Sandoford Meisner word repetition exercises, building on each exercise, growing in complexity, first adding a point of view/observation from the actors, then culminating with the actors using the stage doors (door exercise) and a prop (deck of cards) to create an independent activity (business or doings) for the actors.
ActBroward facilitates actor growth, and is an actor's GYM. In this video you see excerpts of our members working on the exercises of Sandford Meisner.
Amedeo & Judy play the Alphabet improv game which requires participants to deliver lines with the first word being the next consecutive letter of the alphabet. The actors were given a genre "period piece" a setting "museum" and a profession "dentist".
Lisa & Myra play the "Questions" improv game which requires participants to deliver lines as an interrogative question. The actors were given a genre "Action Adventure" a setting "Central Park" and a profession "Policeman".
Ed & Marcy play the Alphabet improv game which requires participants to deliver lines with the first word being the next consecutive letter of the alphabet. The actors were given a genre "Drama" a setting "the beach" and a profession "cook".
Greg & Puchi play the "Questions" improv game which requires participants to deliver lines as an interrogative question. The actors were given a genre "Road Movie" a setting "a Funeral" and a profession "Plumber".