While performing with a sketch-comedy group I thought of some helpful little tips on acting that had little to do with performing.
Arrive On Time
This is one of those little tips in life that I have to remind myself of. While South Florida has its host of traffic nightmares, you being 15 minutes late could be wasting the time of your fellow cast-mates and could be perceived as a lack of commitment to the production. Bring Your Script Ultimately it is the individual actor’s job to have their script in their hands. Bring and Use Props & Costuming Get used to performing with props and complicated costuming while in rehearsal. Do not mime a gun with a pointed finger, nor hold an invisible phone; incorporate the props as soon as possible and get used to performing in high-heels, mask, cape, whatever the costuming is that can potentially cause issues during the final performance. Have Somebody On Script Complicated dialogue or not, having one cast or crew-member on script will insure that the writer’s intent is fulfilled.